Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying, Harassment, & the Need to Belong

Bullying has become a huge problem in the United States. Everyone doesn't realize that they are doing it because there not seeing what their affect has on the victim. A lot of the bullying isn't resolved and the victim doesn't want anyone to know what is happening to them, so they think the best thing to do is just to leave the world and commit suicide. I don't think that there is a line between acceptable and unacceptable. I don't even think that their is an acceptable way of bullying. Yes there is a fine line between a little joke, but you have to know how far of an extent you could be going. I as a KHS student could help bullying in our school by standing up for those that are getting bullied. When i see it happen i wont just walk by it and stare to see what happens next, ill stand in for that student and make sure that he doesn't leave there hurt.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder- Twilight Zone reactions

       The Twilight Zone video was very surprising. When i looked at her face I figured that she was the one that was really ugly and the reason they didn't show the doctors faces was because they were the prettier ones. I was surprised to see that she was the prettier one and they looked disgusting and like a pig.
        To me beauty changes. You may be the cutest/ hottest teenager ever but as you grow up and start to get lazy you'll loose your body figure that you just had to keep when you were young. You'll grow up with wrinkles and saggy arms. Some people may think that botox is the way to go, but you can only go to some extent before over doing it and just getting worse than you intended. Your getting older your not going to want to stay up to date with all the tanning lotions or the beauty products that you previously used.
        Beauty in Kimberly for guys is for a girl to be skinny. Everyone likes a girl to be skinny with a big chest and big behind.They of course have to have a pretty face with not a ton of acne. As for girls they like there guys to have a nice buff muscular body. They also are the people that aren't interested with acne. They must be tall and a lot of girls go for the blue eyes.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stanford Prison Study

During the period of time that we acted out our personality I realized that people started to feel bad for the way that they were acting towards each other. I felt better about myself because I didn't have to worry about hurting peoples feelings or hurting people.
The prisoner that I thought changed the most was prisoner #8612. Even though some of them did everything that they did and had small nervous breakdowns, 8612 had to leave early. He was getting so sick of people ordering him around, which he probably wasn't used to, that he came up with the idea to start lying about how he really felt. He was completely stubborn to all the mock guards and refused to do anything which lead to the other prisoners shunning him because they had to deal with a punishment because of his actions. He started giving out false information to the inmates about how there is no escape or way of getting out. With those actions he lost complete control of "leadership" to the prisoners, meaning he lost the way everyone looked up to him as. He literally then turned crazy because of his feelings and the situation he had been in. The point to were he didn't want to leave the place but later choose to because he was so mentally ill. He decided to come back and even release his "friends" from the prison because he didn't think that what was happening to them was fair.